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Simply put, condominium ownership means owning a share of a property, and property decisions are made not by a single owner but within the shared environment. In a condominium association, the Bylaws, legal documents and policies define how the association is to be operated. An elected Board of Directors is responsible to maintain common areas and govern the community in accordance with all legal documents. The Board acts in a fiduciary capacity on behalf of owners, who are automatically members of the association. Residents and owners can read the Bylaws and other documents for the Montebello Condominium Unit Owners Association (MCUOA) by logging in to BuildingLink.
Owners in an association have more time to spend on activities of their choosing, because the association takes over maintenance work of common areas: painting, roofing and landscaping, for example. Shared ownership means economy of scale, which gives us a greater variety of recreational opportunities – as with our one café, two pools, three tennis courts and four bowling lanes. Here at Montebello, another benefit is the warm environment of neighbors who share common interests as well as common ownership.
Homeowner associations can compel homeowners to pay a share of common expenses, usually per-unit or based on square footage. These expenses generally arise from common property, which varies dramatically depending on the type of association. Some associations are, quite literally, towns, complete with private roads, services, utilities, amenities, community buildings, pools, and even schools. Many condominium associations consider the roofs and exteriors of the structures as the responsibility of the association. Montebello has a monthly assessment to cover common expenses. We have never had a special one time assessment because we collect sufficient reserves to cover high cost periodic maintenence costs.
A property management entity contracted by a Board of Directors or community to provide a variety of services including but not limited to collecting assessments, sub-contractor endeavors, financial advisement and statement/reports preparation and analysis, general maintenance and problem resolution, and advisement on legal and other property related matters. Some of these companies manage hundreds of properties simultaneously, while others focus on individual properties.
In relation to an HOA, Community or other formal organization, a director is an officer charged with the conduct and management of its affairs. The directors collectively are referred to as a board of directors, and are generally elected or appointed. Sometimes the board will appoint one of its members to be the chair, making this person the President of the Board of Directors or Chairman.
Like most associations, MCUOA has Rules and Regulations and other resolutions as provided for in the Bylaws and adopted by the Board of Directors. Rules are established for common courtesies and practices with regard to parking, vehicles, pets, noise, leasing, maintenance, etc. Other rules cover changes to the units, such as major renovations, window replacement, and the like. The Association also develops policies and practices for governance, budgeting, resident involvement through committees, etc.
Yes, the meetings are open, as required. (Meetings on contractual, personnel and legal matters are closed according to the law.) Meeting notices are posted online, emailed to those who sign up for emails through the Montebello Mail System, and posted on bulletin boards. Normally the Board meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, in the Community Center and via Zoom. Board materials are available for resident review.
You may volunteer for any committee and become a member of most just by attending meetings. You may attend any Board meeting, write to the Board, address the Board in person at the Resident Forum after meetings; owners in good standing may run for the Board.
Montebello Condominium Unit Owners Association (MCUOA) does not warrant, guarantee or assume any legal liability or responsibility for any information, product, service or event represented on our website. Anyone using the information provided, whether legal, business, research or otherwise, does so at their own risk and by using or sharing such information agrees to permanently and irrevocably indemnify MCUOA from any and all liability, loss, injury, damages, costs and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) arising from such use.
Copyright © 2023 Montebello Condominium Unit Owners Association - Alexandria VA - All Rights Reserved. Constructed by Rashawnda Daniels-Atkinson, an independent contractor.